
White Light Protection

Ever wish that you could deflect low energy around you and avoid absorbing things around you?

How about 

Same – You are not alone. 

Us humans are spongy beings and we unknowingly absorb the energy around us. 

That’s why I practice the white light protection visualization which was taught to me by one of my Mentors. It aids in keeping us in a high vibrational space, by simply visualizing white protective light surrounding our body. 

I use this technique on my daughter, husband, parents and all of my family members & friends. 

Given the circumstances and this new norm of social distancing- there is no better way to try and protect your loved ones from a distance. 

It’s really easy to do! Heres how:

Sit in a quiet place.

Close your eyes and place your palms up on your lap.

Relax your shoulders and entire body.

Take in 3 deep breaths (or more) until you feel centered and grounded.

Imagine as you inhale that you are breathing in white light & energy that is all around you.

As you exhale, the light wraps around your body and begins to settle around you as a bubble. 

Every time you inhale, visualize the bright light coming into your body- every time you exhale imagine that light is now wrapping and creating an Aura around you.

This light is protective- nothing can get past it to get to you.

Keep breathing in and out and hold that image in your head.

Open your eyes.

Alternatively, you can imagine the light around someone else by visualizing them. 

It’s that easy!

Sending lots of love and light your way!

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