
Table For One

Reflecting back into my life, it was in my early 20’s that I really started to discover a part of me that brought me a great sense of joy. I vividly remember the day I grabbed my purse, went to the ticket booth and bought myself a movie ticket. I sat through the film..giggling and enjoying the whole experience..solo. It was on my drive home that day when I realized I just had a date with myself… and I effin loved it! 

Some of my friends thought it was strange, but I definitely didn’t. I started to notice that as I spent more time with myself, I was breaking down the walls I had built within myself and really started to enjoy my own company.

One day I decided to take it one step further and challenged myself to go to lunch on my own and take in all the awkwardness that came with it. To be honest, I was a bit hesitant to do this but pushed myself to anyway. I recall the waiter asking if anyone would be joining me and was not understanding when I said “no”. Anyway, he figured it out an hour later when I got the cheque for myself. From my own mini little social experiment, one thing was very clear to me…

Society cannot comprehend why one person would dine alone.

The connotations are that I’m weird, sad or a lonely woman and no one would like to have dinner with me, therefore I have no other choice than to dine alone. However, that is far from the truth, as I just wanted to spend time with myself.

From the solo dates I have taken myself on, I truly began to fall in love with myself and felt so much freedom and empowerment.

When you fall in love with yourself, you create a feeling that can last forever and it is a relationship completely controlled by you. It’s like having a sleepover with a bestie, every day! How awesome is that?

When the seasons have changed and the years have gone by, you will still remain. I know it can be tough in the beginning to go out alone, but baby steps. Start by taking 10 minutes out of your day to reflect and journal, get comfortable being by yourself. If you need a little help with journaling..your girl got you covered.

Now, I challenge you all to take yourself out on a date, and confidently walk up and ask for your very own table..for one. 😉

One Comment

  • Khalid Kassam

    I’ve gone on vacayy by myself and honestly would recommend everyone to try it out. I haven’t tried dining alone but I have gone to a bar alone- if that counts! 😜 Great entry!

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