
Burdens & Blessings

Have you ever said to yourself “I will be happy when…” or “When ______ happens, I can finally be happy?” I know I have, many times.. and still do. I started to ponder on this idea and came to the conclusion that- every blessing has a burden. That’s right.. burden.

For example, “I will be happy WHEN I have a house”. Well, sure.. you’ll get your house alright- but you’ll also be hit with the bills, mowing/shovelling the snow, cleaning etc.. (you get the point). That my friends is what I call the ‘burden’.

Lets do a few more examples:

“I will be happy WHEN I have a baby” ok.. sure. A baby doesn’t run on your schedule, so goodbye sleep! You can start to say hello to: many loud cries, money towards diapers/formula, smelly diaper changes and lots of mess to clean up after. Not to mention, your free time is gone as well.

“I will be happy WHEN I have that job that pays 6 figures” great.. excellent if you can land one of these. However, what comes with a great paying job? More responsibly, more stress, more hours put into work and a lot less Facebook scrolling from your desk.

Did you know that most people, no matter what their income is, feel that they need 20% more income in order to be happy with their life. Let that marinate for a moment.

Marinated? Ok, so the point is that you need to enjoy what you do have and choose to find the positives in your current circumstances and practice gratitude, for example: I am breathing, I have a roof over my head, I have legs and I am able to walk, I have access to healthcare, I have nourishing foods, I have eyes to see, I have supportive friends, I have money to buy things I want, I have access to safe water & I could go on forever, and so can you!

Reflect on the things you’re grateful for, and watch how it begins to change your mindset instantly!


Do good, be good.

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