
Make Time For Self-Reflection

When was the last time you took some time to reflect on your life? Let me guess! Was it New Years Eve? New Years Day? Other than the new year, there aren’t many moments when we feel compelled to self reflect. The reality is that we are all so busy moving forward with our lives that we seldom take a moment to slow down and be with our thoughts.

What if we made self-reflection a daily practise rather than yearly?

As a highly sensitive person (which is a whole different post for another day) I love to spend time alone. With that time alone, I give myself so much time to reflect on my entire day. I reflect over the choices I made, should’ve made, things that made me happy and replay conversations in my head. In my opinion, self-reflection is one of the best ways to shift your mindset and connect with your inner self.

How To Reflect
How you reflect is up to you. You can use a journal and write your thoughts down, use your phone notes, reflect internally, or just talk to yourself. Sometimes, people prefer to reflect with another person. It is completely up to you!

When to Reflect
That’s up to you, too! It really only takes as short as 10 minutes but you can reflect for however long you wish. I find that the best time to reflect for me is at night time, just before bed. This gives me a chance to go over my entire day. However, I know people who swear by reflecting first thing in the morning and that seems to make a lot of sense too!

What to Reflect
I always suggest reflecting on any situations that stood out to you during your day. This could be a conversation, decision, thoughts you had, confrontation.. anything! Below I had added some great questions to help you start reflecting.

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you believe your purpose on this earth is?
  3. What are you most grateful for?
  4. What are you most proud of?
  5. Who are the 3 people you spend most of your time with? Why?
  6. What are your biggest goals?
  7. What is stopping you from pursuing your goals?
  8. Where does most of your energy/attention go?
  9. How can you use your past experiences to help you in the future?
  10. What are the biggest lessons you have learned?

Happy Reflecting!
Do Good, Be Good.

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