
8 Tips To Happiness

Often, I fall into a ‘funk’ where I feel like absolute crap and cannot find any reason to smile (yes, people who are generally positive feel like crap too). Here are some tips to happiness that have helped me. Not to worry- its not the cliche things you’ve heard before like taking a walk or a bath.

#1: Practice Random Acts of Kindness
Paying for someones coffee, helping someone out with their grocery, giving someone directions, watering someones flowers for them etc.. these are sure ways to bring joy to yourself. When I see someone else happy, I’m happy!

#2: Practice Spirituality
When we have faith in something else whether that is the Universe or God, we recognize that life is bigger than us. We have a sense of hope when all fails. Having a sense of hope translates to being optimistic. Which leads me to my next point…

#3: Be Optimistic!
Those who are optimistic view the world as a place that has endless opportunities. Being optimistic trains your mind to see the good in most situations. After all, when we dwell on the negative, it isn’t making anything better, for anyone.

#4: Forgive
Forgive those who have hurt you. You’ve heard it before but I will say it again “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” If you are holding a grudge with someone, I promise if you let it go and forgive, you will instantly feel joy. In some cases, you do not have to let the other person know that they are forgiven if there is no more communication. However, you should do it for your own self, you have no idea how much you’re harming your body with all that anger.

#5: Tidy Up
If your outer world is cluttered, chances are that your inner world is cluttered too. Clear out your space and donate items that no longer serve you, adopt a minimalist lifestyle. Making space in your environment will create more space in your mind.
(Cue: Scene from Friends where Monica is stress cleaning)

#6: Invest In Your Health & Well being
‘Eating well is a form of self respect’ When you nourish your body with the right nutrients, of course you will feel well! It’s no secret that in this generation, our food is filled with chemicals and preservatives that can make you feel sick. Try your best to eat clean and be mindful of what you’re putting into your body. Exercise as much as you can as well, and I don’t need to get into WHY, we all know why.

#7: Smile for no reason!
Research has shown that faking a smile can ACTUALLY make you happier. I swear, I am doing it right now as I type. Smiling releases endorphins and your body cannot differentiate whether its genuine or not. Fake it til’ you make it! 🙂

#8: Quiet Time
The world can be crazy and our lives can be extremely busy. It is very important to find some quiet time to do ‘nothing.’ No, sleeping does not count. Take out 5-10 minutes minimum a day to be alone with no electronics. Those few minutes will do your body hours of good. Do not undervalue the magnitude of solitude.

I challenge you to practice at least 3 of the above tips and let me know if they work.

How do you get happy? Let me know in the comments below


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