
Let Go Of The Victim Mentality

Let me give you something to reflect on…

One thing that really upsets me is seeing the victim mentality in people. Here’s some things a person with ‘victim mentality’ would say:

“My life is this way/I’m unsuccessful because of:
-an event that took place 
-my childhood
-a certain person
-my astrological sign
-my circumstances 
-a relationship that went sour 

And what I want to say to those people is:
Stopppp! You’ll always have an excuse for everything but you are only standing in your own way. Nothing is going to change unless you wake up and want to be the best version of yourself. No one is coming to save you and a miracle isn’t just going to happen on its own. No one else is responsible for the life you live except for YOURSELF. You create the life you live based on choices and decisions you make daily. 

We are not denying things that happened to you or discounting it- but what’s dwelling on the past going to do for you? It’s low energy. Start thinking about possibility…. Start believing in yourself and your dreams! This will shift your energy and unleash you on a path towards chasing your highest potential. Look for signs. Ask the Universe/God for help. Meditate. Ask yourself “what would I do if I knew it would come to life and I would be successful?” And do that! Because it WILL work out. But it all starts with shifting your energy and believing in yourself. 

You’re not your past or your experiences. Learn from them, adjust and move forward. 

Remember that the power is within you. You can wake up tomorrow and shift your entire energy and begin changing your life. Anything is possible! 

Start today. It’s never too late and watch magic happen. No more victim mentality. You are magical and you will manifest all the things your heart speaks for you ✨ 

Potential is always bigger than problems. 

This is your sign. 

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