
Embracing A Bare Christmas Tree Because #TODDLER

If you’ve been following me for a while.. you know that my curious little toddler completely destroyed the Christmas tree last year. 🙃 

This year- she’s even more curious than she was last year. I put the tree up and decorated it nicely only for her to take it all down in a matter of seconds. 

Was I mad? Not at all. If this was a few months ago- I would’ve lost it… But I have realized that she is just an inquisitive little being who deserves to explores. 

So we did something different this year. We took down all the ornaments and embraced the tree just as it is. 

The meaning of the holidays and the tree have nothing to do with how the tree looks, but how we feel. I want Aura to be filled with happy memories. I don’t want to keep chasing after her and telling her to ‘stop’. I wish I had this mentality last year but motherhood sure is a learning curve. 

So this year we’ll have a bare tree (with the occasional ornaments thats Aura puts on them). The tree will still sparkle with the lights and most importantly it will bring so much light and warmth into our homes. 

I’m hopeful that next year she will be more understanding and won’t touch the tree. However… Ella will be a full out toddler by then. Let’s just sayyyy I’ll have my tree back in about 3 years time? 😂

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