
Anti-Racism: Lead By Example

Over the past few weeks Parents and Caregivers have been called into action and reminded of our responsibility to lead by example and live more consciously in efforts to help shape a better world for our children – A World free from Racism. 

Our Babies come into this world with pure hearts, it is our job to keep them pure and free of hate of any kind, but before we can teach our own Children, we need to listen and educate ourselves — and then lead by example.

As Parents, we need to understand that we have the largest influence to raise anti racist Children. Children that can see through skin colour and see others for who they are. 

Race education starts at home and our Children can be programmed in one of two ways- racist or non-racist. Do the work now. Invest in having difficult conversations with your Children and Families. Challenge one another. Read together. Learn together and together – let’s bring this virus called Racism to an end! Let’s raise Children who protect each other, fight for Equality, dismantle systems of Oppression and demand Human Rights – Peacefully. 

The fight might look a little different for everyone but what matters is that we are all educating ourselves and supporting the fight for Equality and Change. 

If every Parent does their part, I strongly believe our best days on Earth as Humans will be ahead of us.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

-Nelson Mandela 

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